The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 33: Unit Overview: Copter

Part 33: Unit Overview: Copter

Basic Info:
Cost		4000 G
Movement	6
Move Type	Air
Fuel		60
Ammo		4
Ammo Cost	3 G
Range		1
Special		Can carry one infantry or mech
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		5.5			1.5
 Mech			5.5			2.5
 Medium Tank		0.5			2.5
 Tank			0.5			2.5
 APC			1.5			2.5
 Rocket			0.5			N/A
 Artillery		0.5			N/A
 Supply			4.5			N/A
 AA Missile		1.5			7.5
 AA Tank		1.5			7.5
 Fighter		0.5			6.5
 Scout			0.5			7.5
 Bomber			0.5			N/A
 Copter			4.5			4.5
 Battleship		0.5			7.5
 Lander			0.5			6.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Copters are basically APCs that fly. They can carry an infantry or mech with them, and can actually fight back if attacked. In later games, copters also get split into two separate units - a battle copter for fighting, and a transport copter for carrying grunts around. Unlike APCs, copters don't really have a good niche in combat. They're somewhat effective against footsoldiers and other copters, and that's about it. Keep them away from pretty much any unit that's designed to counter air units, too. Still, they're cheap and useful for carrying your capturing forces to far-flung corners of the map.